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What Would an ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit Look Like in Your Building?

For building owners seeking to optimize energy efficiency and reduce operational costs, conducting an ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit can provide instrumental insights and recommendations. Today we will discover what a typical ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit entails, including the key components, methodologies, and potential outcomes for your building. 

An ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit is a detailed assessment of a building’s energy performance, centralized on identifying energy conservation measures (ECMs) and quantifying potential energy saving opportunities. It follows the guidelines set by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and involves a comprehensive analysis of building systems, operations, and energy usage patterns. 

Primary Components of an ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit

  • Building Survey and Data Collection: The audit starts with a very thorough survey of the building and a collection of relevant data, including the building plans, utility bills, equipment specifications, occupancy schedules, and maintenance records. This information provides the baseline understanding of the building’s energy usage and overall performance. 
  • Energy Use Analysis: The audit process analyzes historical energy consumption data to identify trends, patterns, and abnormalities in energy usage. This helps pinpoint the areas of inefficiency and potential opportunities for energy savings. 
  • Building Systems Evaluation: A comprehensive assessment of the building systems and equipment is conducted to evaluate the condition, performance, and efficiency. This can include HVAC systems, lighting, insulation, building envelope, controls, and other energy-consuming equipment. 
  • Energy Modeling and Simulation: An energy modeling software is used to simulate and test the building’s energy performance under different scenarios and conditions. Allowing the team to assess the potential impact of proposed ECMs and quantify the estimated energy savings. 
  • Identification of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs): Based on the findings from the survey, data analysis, and energy modeling, the team identifies a range of ECMs that have potential to improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs. These measures may include equipment upgrades, lighting retrofits, HVAC system optimizations, building envelope improvements, and operational updates. 
  • Financial Analysis and Payback Period: Each proposed ECM is evaluated based on the estimated implementation cost, energy savings potential, and payback period. This financial analysis helps the building owner prioritize ECMs based on their return on investment. 
  • Recommendations and Reporting: The team conducting the audit presents a comprehensive report detailing their findings, recommendations, and proposed ECMs. This typically includes an executive summary, detailed analysis of energy usage and savings opportunities, cost-benefit analysis for each ECM, and a prioritized action plan for implementation. 

An ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit can yield numerous benefits for building owners, including: 

  • Identification of cost-effective energy-saving opportunities. 
  • Improved energy efficiency and reduction of operating costs. 
  • Enhanced occupant comfort. 
  • Increased property value. 
  • Compliance with energy codes and sustainability goals. 
  • Access to incentives, rebates, and financing options for ECM implementation.  

Conducting an ASHRAE Level II Energy Audit is a proactive step towards optimizing your building’s energy performance, reducing operating costs, and enhancing overall sustainability. Through leveraging the expertise of qualified energy auditors and implementing recommended conservation measures, building owners can achieve significant long-term savings and environmental benefits for their building.  

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