6 Must-Have Qualities in a LIMS Vendor: What You Can’t Afford to Overlook 

Choosing the right Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) vendor is a critical decision for any pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturing company. The right vendor not only ensures compliance with stringent regulatory standards but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your laboratory operations. Here are six must-have qualities to look for in a LIMS vendor.  […]

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Performance Validation Welcomes Donna Griffith as Director of Technical Services

Performance Validation Welcomes Donna Griffith as Director of Technical Services 

Performance Validation an industry leader with 35 years of experience in analyzing, identifying, and testing the most critical elements of the manufacturing process for FDA-regulated industries is proud to announce the appointment of Donna Griffith as the company’s Director of Technical Services. Donna Griffith brings a wealth of experience and expertise to Performance Validation, having […]

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Optimizing Compliance in Pharma: Navigating Risk-Based CSV for Enhanced GLP Adherence

Computer System Validation (CSV) is crucial for any organization that needs to comply with Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs). GLPs are regulatory quality standards for conducting non-clinical laboratory studies that support the development of products for human or animal health. They require that laboratory data be reliable, consistent, and accurate. To meet these requirements, laboratories that […]

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Empowering Employees: The Value of ESOP at Performance Validation

In today’s competitive job market, professionals aren’t just seeking a paycheck; they’re looking for a sense of belonging and an opportunity to be part of something bigger. At Performance Validation (PV), we understand this aspiration, which is why our Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) stands at the core of our culture and business philosophy. The […]

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Scott Council Blog Image

​​Navigating the Complexities of Equipment Diagnostics in Modern Industries

In the high-stakes world of pharmaceutical manufacturing, equipment maintenance isn’t just a routine part of the job—it’s a cornerstone of our success and reliability. As technology evolves and the complexity of our systems increases, the way we approach equipment diagnostics must also adapt. We’re not just maintaining machines; we’re ensuring the continuous, compliant output that […]

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The Future of Pharma Manufacturing: Trends and Predictions 

In the fast-evolving world of pharmaceutical manufacturing, we stand at a crossroads where tradition meets innovation. As an industry, we are custodians of health, holding the safety of patients firmly in our hands. This immense responsibility, I believe, is shouldered not just by the meticulous processes we uphold but significantly by the manufacturing staff who […]

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Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness: The Positive Impact of CSA on CSV Programs 

In the pharmaceutical industry, computerized systems (hardware, software, processes) play a critical role in creating and managing data, producing products, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. 21 CFR Parts 210 and 211 contain aspects which drive the need for computer system validation (CSV). Of course, there is 21 CFR Part 11 (electronic records and signatures) […]

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Revolutionizing Smoke Studies: Unveiling the Future of Critical Airflow Visualization 

In the FDA-regulated industry, staying ahead of technological advancements is paramount. At Performance Validation (PV), we understand the evolving needs of our clients and are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that transform traditional practices. Introducing the new era of smoke studies and critical airflow visualization – a game-changing approach that empowers clients with unprecedented capabilities […]

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Finding the Perfect CQV Partner: Establishing Data Governance for Pharma Manufacturing

In the fast-paced world of pharmaceutical manufacturing, ensuring regulatory compliance and maintaining data integrity are crucial for success. That is why finding the right Commissioning, Qualification, and Validation (CQV) partner is essential. This blog explores the key factors that pharmaceutical manufacturers should consider when seeking a CQV provider to establish robust data governance practices.  Establishing […]

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Streamlining Medical Device Validation: A Risk-Based Approach to Computer Software Assurance

Computerized systems (hardware, software, and processes) play a critical role in the medical device industry. They are used to create and manage data, produce products, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.  Computer system validation (CSV) is the process of ensuring that computerized systems meet their intended requirements and can consistently produce accurate and reliable results. […]

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